Annual Events
As a project based learning school our students are actively engaged in learning and exploring the world through a variety of ways. VNS regularly hosts and plans events to enhance student learning. Here are some examples of our events.
Throughout the year we bring in experts to host workshops for our students. These range from a single afternoon event up to eight week sessions. Past workshops have included science dazzlers, Bill of Rights, culinary arts, computer assisted design (CAD), local geology, storytelling, 3D printing, and more!
Each VNS senior offers a public presentation of their culminating academic experience, the minimum 300-hour Senior Capstone research project. Please join us each spring as they share their hard work and passions! Most presentations are one hour, and all are held at Valley New School.
Valley New School’s Graduation Ceremony is as personalized and unique as a VNS education! Join us in May to celebrate the many accomplishments of this year’s graduates.
Students present their work publicly three times each year.
- Fall Showcase
- Winter Speech Night
- Spring Event Night
Advisors, advisees, and their parents meet three times per year to set goals, discuss progress, and celebrate achievement.
- Planning Conferences: September (30-minute evening appointments)
- Mid-year Meetings: January (30-minute evening appointments)
- Year in Review: May/June (1-hour daytime appointments)
Each fall, VNS staff and students take a field trip to bond and share new experiences. Every other year is an overnight experience.